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  5. Bluefort TAPP Payment Automation for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – Deployment

Bluefort TAPP Payment Automation for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – Deployment


This page explains how you can get TAPP for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central deployed and configured in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central environment. Contact Bluefort support on support@bluefort.eu if you have any questions.


To successfully deploy this product, you need to have a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS environment deployed.

To successfully setup the product it is critical that before you start the process, the following URLs are available / created and accessible – please also note that these parameter URLs cannot be modified after they have been defined within the initial setup:

  • The Customer onboarding redirect url – this is the web page your customers will be re-directed to once they complete a billing request flow / mandate onboarding.
  • The Customer onboarding redirect exit url – this is the web page your customers will be re-directed to if the billing request flow / mandate onboarding flow exits unexpectedly, expires etc. These should be created as pages before hand.

In order to fully complete the process and setup the required Connectors, please make sure that any Conditional Access from the Tenant on Azure is lifted, as these may interfere with the HARP onboarding process. If this is not possible it is highly recommended that an admin user without such conditional access restrictions is used.

Be sure to also prepare two different account credentials separate for GCL Sandbox and GCL production environments. This prerequisite is listed as part of this documentation since GCL requires different credential identification as part of their process – read more here:

Note: We currently do not support on-premises deployments of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

You also need to be on-boarded to HARP via Azure marketplace running the free plan (or better). Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

Obtaining the Software

To get the LISA Business extension, in your Business Central environment you can use the search to find ‘Extension Management’. Then navigate to the ‘Manage’ tab, click on ‘Extension Marketplace’. From this menu, you can search for ‘TAPP’ and press “Get it now” on the solution called GoCardless for Dynamics 365 Business Central – TAPP.


Setting up the HARP Connector

The first step to configure the application is to set up a connector between your Business Central environment and the HARP platform.

To do this you need to launch the HARP connector wizard, which can be found either from the notification, from search or the assisted setup.

Note: Please ensure you expand the wizard dialog using the arrows on the top right corner for a better experience.

Click the Next button on the Welcome screen.

Next you need to create the connector for this Business Central company on the HARP platform. First click the Sign in with Microsoft and use an account with access to Business Central. While this can be any user, we recommend a service account, since if the user used to setup the connector no longer has access to Business Central the connector would end up in a failed state.
Once signed in, fill in the environment name and company name and press create. When this is done click on the refresh button. This will update the HARP Connector GUID field. If the field is populated click next, if the field is not populated then the connector might not have been setup correctly, in which case you can either edit the connector or create a new one.

In the Payments Gateway Parameters section, populate the parameters required for processing the pay outs.


  • This process needs to be done for every company which needs a HARP Connector.
  • In case that a company does not need a HARP Connector, the notification can be disabled by using the “Disable Notification” button. If this is done and you want to setup the connector later on, this can still be done by opening the setup wizard from one of the other methods mentioned above.

Assign Permissions to Admin user and to any other users accessing TAPP

Navigate to the ‘Users’ page and double click on the admin user

Click the ‘New line’ button next to permission sets

Select the permission set called BFTPAYMENTGATEWAYADMIN and click on the ‘OK’ button

Repeat the above steps for any other users who need access to Bluefort TAPP Payment Automation for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, assigning them the appropriate role.

Assigning user roles

Once the extension has been installed and the connector has been setup, the next step would be for a user with the SUPER role to assign non-admin users the correct roles.
There are two roles for the Payment Gateway features, being Payment Gateway Admin and Payment Gateway Manager, with the difference being that the admin can change the configuration parameters while the manager cannot.

Optional: Set user role to Subscription/Payment Gateway Manager

For user to change own role

1. Click on the settings icon and choose ‘My Settings’.

2. From ‘Role’ field choose the role needed.

3. All the available roles are shown in this page.

For admin to change any user’s role

1. From search, go to ‘User Settings’.

2. In the user’s page select the required role from the ‘Role’ field.

3. All the available roles are shown in this page.

GoCardless Merchant Onboarding

The next step in the configuration journey of Bluefort TAPP for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is to go through the merchant onboarding. The onboarding must be done for at least one Business Central company but if your EPR implementation is hosting different legal entities these should be onboarded as separate merchants.

To onboard a GoCardless Merchant (sometimes also referred to as a creditor) click on TAPP -> Merchants.

On the new screen click the Onboard a new merchant button and a slider dialog will appear on the right hand-side.

Note: Please ensure you expand the dialog using the arrows on the top right corner for a better experience.

In the slider please choose:

  1. The Connector pertaining to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central company you’d like to onboard the merchant for.
  2. The Type of connection you want to GoCardless in the current environment i.e. Sandbox for testing or Live for production purposes.
  3. The Merchant email where the Merchant onboarding url is automatically sent when generated from GoCardless..
  4. The Customer onboarding redirect url – this is the web page your customers will be re-directed to once they complete a billing request flow / mandate onboarding.
  5. Customer onboarding redirect exit url – this is the web page your customers will be re-directed to if the billing request flow / mandate onboarding flow exits unexpectedly, expires etc.

Lastly, click on the Create button to finalize the merchant onboarding record and close the slider. Proceed to refresh the screen using the Refresh button if the connector button does not appear automatically in the grid.

Next, double click on the new merchant onboarding record and the slider should appear again, this time round with an extra field containing the Merchant onboarding url generated by GoCardless.

Note: You could also copy the onboarding URL to your clipboard directly from the grid (without opening the slider) using the Copy to clipboard button in the Onboarding url column.

This URL should be sent over to the merchant admin. In a production/live scenario, the merchant admin should be a legal representative of the legal entity who has the authority to sign up the legal entity as a GoCardless merchant.

Once the legal representative of the legal entity receives the Onboarding URL and clicks it, the GoCardless hosted page is presented. This wizard will guide the user through the merchant onboarding process for the legal entity. The first step in this wizard is to create an account with GoCardless or sign-in if the legal entity was already signed up to GoCardless in the past.

Once the legal representative of the legal entity receives the Onboarding URL and clicks it, the GoCardless hosted page is presented. This wizard will guide the user through the merchant onboarding process for the legal entity. The first step in this wizard is to create an account with GoCardless or sign-in if the legal entity was already signed up to GoCardless in the past.

At the end of the wizard the user will be re-directed to HARP and here it is important to click on the button indicated in order to send the token and organisation information to the HARP Portal.

Once the sign in is successful, the confirmation email sent to the credentials set up for this purpose needs to be confirmed prior to finalizing the process.

After the legal representative receives the success message the onboarding can be verified by ensuring that the Verification status has the value Successful on the Merchant onboarding record.

Note: On Sandbox environments, the onboarded merchants remain with a status marked In Review even after fully completing the onboarding process. This is a know issue with GCL and until further updates from GCL this has to be recognized as such.

In a Sandbox environment the Verification status goes straight to Successful but in a live/production environment the initial status will typically be In Review until the merchant application status is reviewed by GoCardless. If the Verification status is set to Action Required then it means that GoCardless require further information before your legal entity can be successfully onboarded as a merchant.

Updated on August 23, 2024

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