NEW FEATURES – LISA Reach Sales (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales)
Enterprise Subscription Automation CRM Solution: SubscriptionManagementCDM_1_2022_7_88_managed (New Version)
Dual Write Maps: BluefortSubscriptionManagementdualwriteextensions_1_0_0_38_managed (No changes)
Bug fixes and other functional and performance improvements.
NEW FEATURES – LISA Reach Operations (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations)
Quote total calculations are no longer automatically calculated

Quotation header total calculations have now been parameterized to avoid unnecessary performance restraints. If the Configuration parameter under Configurations > LISA Reach Sales setup > activateQuoteCountsRealTime is set to Apply = Yes, then the totals are automatically calculated, while if this is set to Apply = No, then the totals will not automatically calculate and the Recalculate Quote Counts button needs to be pressed in order for the process to calculate the total fields.
Dual Write mappings changes