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Bluefort TAPP – May 2024 Release – Release Notes

NEW FEATURES – MS Dynamics 365 Finance (FinOps) – TAPP FINANCE

New features included for TAPP Finance within LISA BusinessPro LCS Package if applicable

GoCardless Direct Debit for Customer Balance for subscription sales order – A parameter has been added that if the flag is set to true, Direct Debit action will be all customer balance, not the invoice balance. Credit notes are not applicable for this collection process.

Share GoCarless Merchant across legal entities
– A new menu item, “Copy merchant to legal entity” has been created in order for a GoCardless merchant token to be copied across legal entities.

Batch job to process customer open transactions stamped with a GoCardless Payment ID
– Creates the ability to synchronize payments from migration phase from an old system into FO with it being captured by GoCardless and ensure its processed as a payment linked to the correct customer/supplier journal.

NEW FEATURES – MS Dynamics 365 Sales (Dataverse) – TAPP CRM / TAPP CRM ERP

No new features included for TAPP CRM / TAPP CRM ERP:

NEW FEATURES – MS Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC)

No new features included for TAPP BC

Bug fixes and other functional and performance improvements.

Deployment Guides

Dynamics 365 Finance

Dynamics 365 Sales

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Bluefort TAPP Payment Automation

Updated on May 27, 2024

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