Working with Integrations

Custom Web Services 

LISA ships the following custom web-services endpoints exposed as both JSON and SOAP. 

More web-service operations will be published with future releases. 

More detailed information about the supported web-service requests can be found in these links below:

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Create Subscription product:

To view a list of LISA BusinessPro custom services currently deployed on your environments browse to the following URL:

Some things to note: 

  • To send requests a bearer token needs to be passed with every request. This is used for request authorisation and can be acquired by using the Get AAD Token Request. 
  • The [tenant] placeholder in the request link needs to be replaced by the tenant of the D365 subscription.  
  • In the ‘BODY’ section the following values need to be replaced: 
  • client_id: App key registered in D365FO. 
  • client_secret: App secret registered in D365FO. 
  • resource: Link to D365 environment where the request will be sent to. It is important that the value provided here is without the trailing ‘\’ as this will fail otherwise. 
  • For other requests it is important to replace the [link_to_environment] placeholder with the actual link to the environment where the request will be sent, and LISA subscription is active.  

For more information on how to call these web-services kindly get in touch with Bluefort support. 

Data Entities 

LISA exposes most of its data model and data model extensions as data entities or data entity extension. LISA currently ships with the following data entities (data entity extensions on standard entities are not shown in the list below). 

Updated on October 8, 2024

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