Improved transparency for action count telemetry – Telemetry improvement changes allow admin users to obtain a more detailed view of the action counts. This summarizes all action counts by type and legal entity across months or years. This can be done from the Enterprise subscription automation parameters > License Information > Support > Actions consumed. The form will display data based on the month of year of the date selected at the top of the form. For customers having the yearly action count add-on a yearly grouping is shown.
Important Note: This functionality will only be usable from the date in which the release including this feature is deployed. Actions created before the deployment of this package may be skipped or counted in the wrong period.
Bug fixes and other functional and performance improvements.

Known issues
You can see a list of known issues and their status by clicking here.

FinOps Data jobs to be executed

Data write mappings changes

Downloading the latest Dataverse/CRM/Dual-Write Solutions for Sales Subscription Management
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