Merchant Onboarding

In order to use GoCardless for Dynamics 365 Business Central – TAPP with your GoCardless merchant, the latter should be onboarded on to the TAPP platform.

Each Business Central company allows for the onboarding of one merchant and the onboarding process is to be done per companym per merchant.

Steps to onboard a merchant

  1. Navigate to the GoCardless Merchants screen.

Note: Please ensure you expand the dialog using the arrows on the top right corner for a better experience.

  1. On the new screen click the Onboard a new merchant button and a slider dialog will appear on the right hand-side.

Fill in the below information:

  • Connector: The connector pertaining to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central company you’d like to onboard the merchant in.
  • Type: The type of connection you want to GoCardless in the current environment i.e. Sandbox for testing or Live for production purposes.
  • Merchant Email: The merchant email connected to the GoCardless merchant account.
  • Customer onboarding redirect url: The URL of the web page your customers will be re-directed to once they complete a billing request flow / mandate onboarding.
  • Customer onboarding redirect exit url: The URL of the web page your customers will be re-directed to if the billing request flow / mandate onboarding flow exits unexpectedly, expires etc.
  1. Lastly, click on the Create button to finalize the merchant onboarding record and close the slider. Proceed to refresh the screen using the Refresh button if the connector button does not appear automatically in the grid.

Next, double click on the new merchant onboarding record and the slider should appear again, this time round with an extra field containing the Merchant onboarding url generated by GoCardless.

Note: You could also copy the onboarding URL to your clipboard directly from the grid (without opening the slider) using the Copy to clipboard button in the Onboarding url column.

This URL should be sent over to the merchant admin. In a production/live scenario, the merchant admin should be a legal representative of the legal entity who has the authority to sign up the legal entity as a GoCardless merchant.

Once the legal representative of the legal entity receives the Onboarding URL and clicks it, the GoCardless hosted page is presented. This wizard will guide the user through the merchant onboarding process for the legal entity. The first step in this wizard is to create an account with GoCardless or sign-in if the legal entity was already signed up to GoCardless in the past.

Once the legal representative of the legal entity receives the Onboarding URL and clicks it, the GoCardless hosted page is presented. This wizard will guide the user through the merchant onboarding process for the legal entity. The first step in this wizard is to create an account with GoCardless or sign-in if the legal entity was already signed up to GoCardless in the past.

At the end of the wizard the user will be re-directed to HARP and here it is important to click on the button indicated in order to send the token and organisation information to the HARP Portal.

Once the sign in is successful, the confirmation email sent to the credentials set up for this purpose needs to be confirmed prior to finalizing the process.

After the legal representative receives the success message the onboarding can be verified by ensuring that the Verification status has the value Successful on the Merchant onboarding record.

Note: On Sandbox environments, the onboarded merchants remain with a status marked In Review even after fully completing the onboarding process. This is a know issue with GCL and until further updates from GCL this has to be recognized as such.

In a Sandbox environment the Verification status goes straight to Successful but in a live/production environment the initial status will typically be In Review until the merchant application status is reviewed by GoCardless. If the Verification status is set to Action Required then it means that GoCardless require further information before your legal entity can be successfully onboarded as a merchant.

Updated on January 9, 2025

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