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LISA September 2020 Release 10.0.12 – Release Notes


Support for Variants - When applicable, It is now supported to select a specific item variant in a specific subscription plan line which is taken over to the action and the generated sales and purchase lines. 

New total field on firm actions dialog - When firming one or more actions from the Actions list page the firming dialog now also the total money amount being firmed besides the number of records selected. 

Accrual journal number on posted actions - Actions of type SO/PO which are linked to an “Accrual-based” billing posting profile now displays the journal number on the action for easier reference and traceability. This will only work for actions which are posted after applying the Septemeber 2020 release and thus not for actions posted in the past. 

User interface update for Billing posting profiles - the “Billing posting profiles” form has been re-designed for easier use. 

Product entitlements - In the previous version it was possible to create project hours entitlements for subscription plans classified as projects. In this version it is possible to set up product entitlements based on quantity / item / variant combination. An entitlement can be setup for all products, for a specific item group, specific item category or specific item. The Master Process generates auto-firmed “Product entitlements” actions. When product entitlements are applied to a non-subscription sales order, sales prices are zeroised according to the applicable dates and quantity on the action of type “Product entitlement”. Product entitlements must always be manually applied on a sales order or a specific salaes order lines (via a new button). They are only automatically applied (if applicable) if the non-subscription sales order is generated by the Master Process itself from a delivery schedule. Note: This functionality should only be used to zero-ise prices on physical or digital products sold by the legal entity and not as a discounting mechanism for the subscription itself. This functionality is also integrated into LISA’s notification framework and consequently also into the standard D365 business events framework for integration with the Microsoft Power Platform and other Azure services. 

Delivery schedules - It is now possible to create default delivery schedules on released products that are inherited to subscription plan lines. It is also possible to create delivery schedules directly on subscription plan lines. After publishing a subscription plan which contains plan lines with delivery schedules, the Master Process uses Delivery schedules to create non-subscription sales orders as per the defined schedule. It can be used to generate sales orders for physical or digital products that need to be shipped to customers as part of the subscription at a separate cadence from the subscription billing cadence. The Master process also automatically applies any existing and applicable product entitlements defined on the subscription plan line (see the previous feature in this list). This functionality is also integrated into LISA’s notification framework and consequently also into the standard D365 business events framework for integration with the Microsoft Power Platform and other Azure services. 

Customer meters - It is now possible to define meter models, link meters to customers and input estimated or actual consumption on such meters for specific periods. All of these can be created manually or via web-services to integrate with IoT devices or other applications used in the utilities industry. This functionality is also integrated into LISA’s notification framework and consequently also into the standard D365 business events framework for integration with the Microsoft Power Platform and other Azure services. 

Improvements to consumption subscription plans - It is now possible to link a customer meter (see the previous feature in this list) with a subscription plan line. In this case, the Master Process will consider consumption readings from consumption transactions linked to the customer meter for the period covered by the consumption action being generated. If actual consumption transactions exist only actuals are considered. If not, estimated consumption transactions are considered and the action generated is marked as an estimate. For subscription plan lines not linked to a customer meter, the current functionality still applies. 

More granular control on financial dimensions - It is now possible to better control what financial dimensions are used in SOs and POs generated from LISA actions. 

New “Data jobs” tasks tab - The Subscription management parameters form contains a new tab page with a list of data jobs that can be executed. From September 2020 Release onwards, LISA Release Notes will include a list of jobs that need to be run after updating the LISA solution. 

New “License information” tasks tab - The Subscription management parameters form contains a new tab page showing the LISA license capacity per month and the remaining capacity for this month. The value displayed here is tied to your license agreement. If applicable to your contractual terms, the software will stop working if the number of action counts* applicable to your license is reached. Please contact licensing@bluefort.com.mt to increase your capacity or to get a temporary trial uncapped demo license for demo or testing purposes. Using a trial licence for production purposes is a violation of the license agreement. 
*action counts = Number of months covering one action X number of actions. 

Acceptance of license agreement - As of the September 2020 release, the LISA license agreement must be accepted before the product begins to function. This is done from an automated pop-up which is displayed once per legal entity. This is applicable to ALL customers. 

Various bug fixes and performance improvements 

Data jobs to be executed 

Sync subscription plan lines product names - Pre-Sepetember release the product name of the subscription plan line was a display method. For increased flexibility this is now a text field. This job copies the value of the previous display method on the subscription plan line for lines that have already been created in the system. 

Manual update of “Post accrual scheme” flag on existing billing posting profiles 

Known issues for this release (will be fixed in October 2020 release) 

Project invoice report shows incorrect quantity when there is line splitting due to hours entitlements from subscription actions 

Issue with drill-down data in workspace 

Updated on May 16, 2023

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