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  4. LISA January 2022 Release 10.0.23 – Release Notes

LISA January 2022 Release 10.0.23 – Release Notes


Cancellation with reversal using the same firming strategy that was used when originally firming the action – Via a new flag on the Subscription management parameters form -> Subscription actions tab -> Cancellation with reversal field group, it is now possible to specify that the same firming strategy in the original process is to be used during cancellation with reversal. 

Price rounding for purchasing – Previously price rounding for purchasing on a specific subscription plan line used the same configuration as sales rounding. Now this can be optionally configured separately. If that is the case, purchasing logic will adhere to a different set of rounding rules independent of sales. If you expect purchase price rounding to follow sales price rounding for plans that were already created before deployment of this release, please run the “Sync purchase price rounding for subscription plans and plan lines.” Data job from Subscription management parameters form -> Data jobs tab 

Bug fixes and other functional and performance improvements.  

Known issues 

You can see a list of known issues and their status by clicking here

FinOps Data jobs to be executed 

Sync purchase price rounding for subscription plans and plan lines. – Explained above. This job runs across all companies.           

Lines with negative price – data fix V2 – On some environments-LISA version-dataset combination the original “Lines with negative price” job produced unexpected results. This job fixes any data errors from the original job and runs the logic as it should be run. This job runs across all companies.           

Data write mappings changes 

In the Bluefort Subscription Management dual write extensions solution, there is a new mapping version for CDS Subscription Plans which is 

Downloading the latest Dataverse/CRM/Dual-Write Solutions for Sales Subscription Management 

Please find a step-by-step guide by clicking here

Updated on May 16, 2023

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