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  4. LISA January 2021 Release 10.0.15 – Release Notes

LISA January 2021 Release 10.0.15 – Release Notes


Post actions in batch – It is now possible to post firmed actions in batch. You can configure a flexible query and recurrence which suits the business’ needs for automatic posting. However, irrespective of the query configured, the following action types cannot be auto-posted: 

  • Request for deposit payments – These should be posted and settled when customer payment is actually received not via an automated batch process. 
  • Request for subscription security payment – These should be posted and settled when customer payment is actually received not via an automated batch process. 
  • Renewal actions – Posting is not applicable for actions of this type. 
  • Project hours entitlement – These are automatically posted when they get fully consumed. 
  • Product entitlements – These are automatically posted when fully consumed. 

Actions clean-up routine – It is now possible to bulk delete posted or cancelled actions linked to cancelled subscription plans. 

Contract level renewal actions – In previous versions of LISA it was only possible to setup line renewals. Now it is also possible to setup renewals on the contract level, however renewal actions are still linked to subscription plan lines and ALL must be firmed in order for the contract to auto-renew. This also works in conjunction with (and not independent of) the “Renew to self” and “Next subscription plan”. This is made possible through a new flag on the subscription plan line called “Contract renewal notice”. If this is enabled, a renewal notice action will be generated each active line in this subscription plan. All renewal notice actions for all subscription plan lines must be firmed in order for the renewal to be processed. Automatic renewal also requires the renew to self flag to be enabled or next subscription plan to be filled in. 

Per month scheduled recognition – On the scheduled recognition table linked to a billing posting profile there is a new flag “Post per month”. When this is set to true posting of revenue recognition for that cycle will be further broken down per month. Note that this field has no effect if the subscription plan billing cycle is monthly. 

Accrued discounts – It is now possible to also accrue sales discounts based on new configuration available on the billing posting profile 

Legacy subscription plan fields – Two new fields to hold legacy reference information are now available on the subscription plan. 

Various bug fixes and performance improvements 

Data jobs to be executed 


Known issues for this release (will be fixed in a later release) 

Some P+EP scenarios might not work when creating a vendor contract. 

Updated on May 16, 2023

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