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  4. LISA BusinessPro November 2022 Wave 2 Release 10.0.29 – Release Notes

LISA BusinessPro November 2022 Wave 2 Release 10.0.29 – Release Notes


NOTE: Due to an LCS Publish issue from Microsoft, we were not able to deliver this release using the standard publish routine. Therefore, until Microsoft resolve the issue, please request this release from Bluefort Support and it will be uploaded directly to your LCS Asset Library. 

P+EP: Perpetual Price Indexing – In P+EP subscriptions instead of indexing the maintenance percentage it is now possible to index the Perpetual price instead by turning on a new parameter. 

Refresh prices does not reset discount amounts and percentage – In previous versions of the Refresh Prices functionality, discount amounts and percentages were cleared. This is no longer the case. 

Refresh prices now includes Subscription Plan Lines table filter – In previous versions of the Refresh Prices functionality the Use price indexing flag was not considered. This is no longer the case. The query defined in the batch dialog is also taken into account for the line level query. 

Price Change Notifications (Release 1) – Customers need to be informed of price changes for their subscriptions. Via release 1 of this functionality it is possible to set the price notification date and related time fence. This functionality will be further improved in future releases. 

Revenue/Cost Recognition auto-recalculation – Via a new parameter it is now possible to override the revenue recognition calculation functionality when prices are index or refreshed. If turned on, the auto-calculated values will overwrite any manual value input by a user so it is important to take this into account before enabling this feature. 

Bug fixes and other functional and performance improvements. 

Known issues 

You can see a list of known issues and their status by clicking here

FinOps Data jobs to be executed 


Data write mappings changes 


Downloading the latest Dataverse/CRM/Dual-Write Solutions for Sales Subscription Management 

Please find a step-by-step guide by clicking here

LISA Reach Sales Dataverse zip folder containing solutions linked to this release is called: LISAReachSales_Nov2022_Wave2.zip 

LISA Reach Operations Dataverse solutions did not change (refer to previous release notes). 

Updated on May 16, 2023

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