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  4. LISA April 2021 Release 10.0.17 – Release Notes

LISA April 2021 Release 10.0.17 – Release Notes


Entitlements functionality for consumption meterage – The product entitlements functionality is now applicable to consumption billed from customer meters linked to the same subscription plan line as the product entitlement. 

Auto cancellation of entitlement actions batch job – It is now possible to schedule a batch job with automatically closes down firm entitlement actions whose end date is beyond a specific time fence in days. 

Order creation strategy on the program type level – It is now possible to set the order creation strategy for purchasing and sales on the program type level. 

Program Types Legal Entity Overrides – Program types are typically shared master data, but it is now possible to override values on the program type per legal entity via a new button on the program types form or from the main menu.  

Purchasing pre-invoicing – It is now possible to specify pre-invoicing for purchasing (in days) on the subscription plan. For the sales side this was already available in previous versions. 

Editing of some fields on subscription plan lines allowed when historical actions already exist – It is now possible to edit a limited amount of fields on the subscription plan lines level when related historical actions exist. This was previously not possible. If related un-firmed or firmed actions exist editing of these fields is still disabled. 

Bug fixes and Performance Improvements. You can see a list of known issues and their status by clicking here

Data jobs to be executed 

Clean-up Subscription plan lines – If you created and deleted subscription planes before the April 2021 Release it is recommended to run this job after deploying the April 2021 release especially if you are using the integration to Dynamics 365 Project Operations. 

Updated on May 16, 2023

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