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  4. LISA September 2021 Release 10.0.20 – Release Notes

LISA September 2021 Release 10.0.20 – Release Notes


One time fee – It is now possible to define a released product as a one-time fee. This can be also specified on the subscription quotation line and can be overridden on the subscription plan line. 

CPQ Wizard Improvements – CPQ wizard now supports creation of subscription quotations. Before this release, this was only possible to create subscription quotations from the standard sales quotation screen. 

Subscription vouchers – It is now possible to view subscription data on posted vouchers linked via a subscription action 

Automated header “Billing Posting Profile” defaulting – A new setup table called “Default billing posting profiles” is now available to control the default billing posting profile value for a subscription plan and thus automating the manual selection of the billing posting profiles 

Improved “Automatic billing posting profiles” logic – Automatic billing posting profiles are used to automatically infer the billing posting profile on the line level. This has been improved to include item group of the line’s item.  

Recalculate prices button – A new button in the Subscription cockpits allows you to re-calculate prices across all lines of a subscription plan based on existing trade agreement data. 

Workflows – It is now possible to enable workflow functionality for the publishing and cancellation of subscription plans. This allows you to design your own workflow processes for approving status changes on the subscription plan. 

Bug fixes and other functional and performance improvements.  

Known issues 

You can see a list of known issues and their status by clicking here

Data jobs to be executed 

Sync subscription plan line creation sequence number – This is a unique sequence number required for dual-write integration for subscription plan lines. This needs to be run in every company/legal entity which will integrate with bluefort’s subscription management model driven app in Microsoft Dataverse via dual-write. 

Sync posted actions invoice details – Run this to ensure all posted actions have the Sales Invoice -or- purchase invoice dates and purchase invoice number stamped on the actions themselves. In some scenarios in previous versions of LISA these fields were not being automatically populated so this job will fix this issue. This runs across all companies/legal entities using the Subscription Management module. 

Updated on May 16, 2023

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